Live Weather




This Latest Weather Of Vidisha City

Barry's Response - The weather forecast for Vidisha City is provided at the bottom of the home page at - For an even more awesome forecast, copy and paste this link into another browser page: and compare with the climate data given by clicking the "averages" button.

Here is a bit more background info about Vidisha, located in north-central India.
Vidisha City is in Madhya Pradesh, India. Its history dates back to 500 BC, and it's known for its ancient monuments and temples. UNESCO World Heritage Site Bijamandal Temple is also here.

Read on...

Here is more, including some climate information.

Happy Travels.

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Doppler Radar System -Pulse-Doppler Radar .

by Debra Green
(Barrie,Ontario, Canada)

Barrie Ontario - Not much here

Barrie Ontario - Not much here

This radar is capable of determining the motion of precipitation, in addition,the intensity of any storms developing in your region. From what l have observed, Alberta is getting the nasty end of the stick, weather wise, snow-flooding.

Barry's Response - Sometimes. I remember snow at the Calgary Stampede once in July 1999.

Radar can predict how much rain or snow will fall in an area, and warn people about flooding. Albertans can be better prepared for severe weather, and take precautions to keep themselves and their property safe.

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do dogs know weather more than a human

by mary
(united state of america)

dogs outside

dogs outside

Do dogs know weather more than a human?


Barry's Response - Dogs can smell and hear things humans can't, so they can detect changes in the atmosphere humans can't. They're also more aware of subtle changes in the environment that can indicate an upcoming storm or change in temperature. In addition, they have a better sense of balance, which helps them adjust to weather changes.

Dogs aren't the only animals that predict the weather. There's a chance this could eventually rise above lore with enough research.

See for more about this.

Also, search this site for more information now.

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clicked on ontario got aberta?

Good ol' Ontario

Good ol' Ontario

Think you could improve your map. If Ontario clicked on, want to see weather for ontario, not Alberta

Barry's Response - A normal forecast website should have a more user-friendly map. In other words, if a user selects Ontario, they'll get info about Ontario instead of Alberta. It should also provide clear navigation options so users can find what they're looking for easily.

I assume you were on this page:

This isn't the official Environment Canada page if that's the case. Here's a sample image from the government website.

The Ontario link is right here:

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.