How do Global Warming Pictures look?

How can you get global warming pictures?

Can you grab your camera and take global warming photos or draw a picture of it.  Charts, graphs, cartoons, even photos can be used to represent ideas.

Global warming is sometimes illustrated quite well with pictures.  The use of pictures can be an effective means of conveying the effects of global warming in a way that words alone cannot.  

By using them, we can bring attention to the causes and effects of global warming in an easy-to-understand manner.  As well as raising awareness, they can motivate people to take action.  By illustrating how climate change is affecting the environment in a more visual manner, they can convey the urgency of the issue to the public.

Let's represent climate change's effects on nature and people with pictures. Maybe start with some examples.  You can search Google with the second blue link above.

You could also get this page by typing GLOBAL WARMING into the Google search field, hitting SEARCH, then clicking IMAGES. 

Then you can zoom in on any thumbnail for a better look.  There are dozens more like it at the bottom of the page.  

Now what is global warming? Over the past few decades, we've seen a rise in average air temperatures near the earth's surface.  That's why we call it global warming because it's happened consistently all over the world.

Global warming has been a hot topic for a while.  There's a lot of debate over its causes, nature, and consequences.

Have a look at these...

No question, there are a lot of global warming pics.  What's up with all these global warming images?  These are some of the questions people try to answer with atmosphere diagrams:  

what causes global warming?

Climate change charts and pollution graphs show evidence of climate change, like the map above.  Photographs of El Niño  nature wallpapers, and drawings can exist on the same page, as can pictures of scientists, politicians and other notable people dealing with this subject.  in these snapshots, global warming protesters may gather to convince others to change their ways.

You might also find air pollution pictures or odd photos of global warming.  You could include industrial pictures.  There may be political cartoons, global warming comics, or maybe a few math comics on the list every day.

Climate change is normally viewed as a consequence of air pollution, and many people are afraid of it.  As part of their statements, they upload related images.  There are more immediate Air Quality issues to deal with every day.   However, global warming pictures will give you the big picture.  Here's one comment about people adding to the collection. 

It is about giving you a picture that will stop you causing global warming and then the earth will be a better place. ~Tom Jones (from Oldham)

If you've already got some good pictures to show people, why not...

Show us your stuff.

Got a great photo? Or a drawing? Undeniable evidence of global warming to make your point? Here's a chance to post it and let others see.

You can rant below instead. Is Global Warming dead? Worse?

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See other good shots here.

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page. Check back once-in-a-while to watch the collection grow.

Pollution is just like a ghost that fed our nature but this ghost is created by human beings. If the situation remains the same, our nature is to …

control global warming 
A few steps to control global warming. 1. Start from your home by using least utilities of heat,water,and electricity. 2. Apply the 3R's of reducation, …

During the past century, the earth's surface temperature has gone up by nearly a full degrees centigrade. Barry's Response - Big Deal? Maybe, we've …

Air Pollution is killing the Planet 
Air Pollution is killing us and our Earth and we need to help with saving our planet and we don't want to die now do we so get up pick up any glass bottles …

Globall warming 
it is very bad Barry's Response - Very much so. The habitat of many species will be altered, apparently, and we will be saddened by the changes. …

Please help global warming! 
Hi, I am only 13 but I am extremely concerned about the causes of global warming! I am sure that some people do not give a damn about the issues. I think …

Global Warming Conversation  
Wresting with the Global Warming issue is a daunting task similar to coming to grips with the problems of the global economy. And like the latter, those …

Save the Glacier........ 
One of the most breath-taking examples of the effects of global warming is the way our glaciers are getting extinct. Along with glaciers we not only are …

global warming strategies 
Barry's Response - This is a well-known image, Gunjar, but quite relevant. It shows the center of the global warming reduction theme being a system …

my global warning  
It's getting too hot. We need to do something about this. CLEAN UP THE TRASH MAKE THE EARTH HEALTHY. Barry's Response - Seems like global warming …

Barry's Response - A little fun, even with a serious subject, never hurt anyone. Here's another. A Note on Propaganda Some blame this whole global …

Green house effect 
This picture shows The progressive warming up of the earth's surface due to blanketing effect of man made carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The …

global warming needs to stop!!!!! 
Global warming is very bad because the world is getting hotter and the ice is melting. People's and animals' homes are going and they will not have …

the world around us  
Well, I don't have a picture but EVERY ONE knows about GLOBAL WARMING. It's all around us now, part of everyone's every day life. People, don't you …

explanation about global warming  
according to me global warming is a big problem which the world is facing just because of the irresponsibility of our people. We should think that what …

the problem with global warming 
The increase in global temperature due to an increase in green house gases is called Global warming. Because of global warming, the polar ice caps are …

care for the world 
"To be able to care for the world you must: 1.clean up garbage 2.feed animals 3.ask people to help you 4.don't litter - if you see someone else litter …

Global Warming means 
What is global warming? Approximately a century's worth of data showing an upward trend in temperatures. Almost a degree centigrade. Some feel its effects …

Omg, I'm in the computer lab and I'm doing a project on global warming and I can not find anything. gosh ..LIKE UH ! Barry's Response - Keep on …

What the figure says: Usual Warming - The earth has always been kept warm by the greenhouse effect. That atmosphere always has carbon dioxide and …

Cancer cost by diesel fuel or fossil fuel if you will and gasoline Not rated yet
People can disagree with you on global warming but where is all this cancer coming from? Why is the body coming to so much? Business men, many have …

Save Australia from a CarbonTax and Really Cool The Planet Not rated yet
The new religion on global warming is what is really heating the planet. The lies from some scientists, the United Nations and especially New World Order …

climate change Not rated yet
I am a student of 5th grade and on Thursday, my teacher told me to draw a picture of climate change. I don't know how to do it.can you help me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee …

Warming of course Not rated yet
If ya take a glass of ice and place water within, set it down and leave, and when ya come back some hours later the ice will be melted.. If ya take …

Click here to write your own.

Pollution from Above Not rated yet
If we don't change our ways soon, life as we know would be unbearable. Here's an idea: Why don't everybody plant a tree every year for the next 20 years …

causes Not rated yet
coal Barry's Response - Not exactly a person of many words, are you? Well, here are a few facts about coal? Combustion of coal tends to cause …

no one cares Not rated yet
No one cares. Why don't not any one just help the earth? Why don't they just be a better person for every one around them keeping us safe for our beautiful …

sensation of global wrming Not rated yet
This is the day from which our Earth is seeing problems that have been caused due to nature cavity. The global warming we have seen is caused due to the …

No to pollution - that's what we say! Not rated yet
national bioversity in india Barry's Response - It consists of quite a number of biomes: wetlands, marine environments, mountains and thick forests. …

Air pollution and global warming - what do people say?  Not rated yet
Its all about how they affect the environment the changes in the climatic condition and it nature. Barry's Response - Are the changes dependent on …

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Movies - Global Warming Pictures

See The Day After Tomorrow (TDAT) sometime.   You might get a kick out of it.  Enjoy these movies if you get a chance.   They all carry an environmental theme as well.

The Towering Inferno, 1974
Jurassic Park, 1993
Twister, 1996.
Groundhog Day, 1993
Independence day, 1996

A few more global warming pictures:

The Arrival, 1996
Artificial Intelligence: AI, 2001
Our Man Flint, 1996
Here's the biggie of the last decade... An Inconvenient Truth, 2006
The Great Global Warming Swindle, 2007
And, hopefully someday, State of Fear written by Michael Crichton. This story would make a great global warming picture.

Here are some comments about The Day After Tomorrow, one of the first major films on the subject.

I think you just have to check your brain at the door. I don't look to be educated by it, and I wouldn't use it as an educational tool. ~Richard Mower, Meteorology Professor

The movie the White House doesn't want you to see. -

In some ways, it's a little sad that it takes a Hollywood movie to bring such an issue to the American public. - Peter Gleick, Climate Specialist

This (global warming pictures) central theme is no trivial topic.

What is that central theme? TDAT shows freezing temperatures as a result of global warming. How is that possible?

North Pole Temperatures

There's a chance they're going up...there's a chance they're not.  We won't know what's going to happen until it happens.  And there's a lot happening. These frequently asked questions (FAQ's) will give you some background on pollution and its consequences.

Basically, it goes like this.  Ocean gulf streams could be suppressed by melting glaciers, which contain no salt.  Much of the northern hemisphere gets its climate from these currents, which keeps the climates here pretty consistent.

New York gets hit by storms and cold Siberian air in the movie.  There are eight million of us living in the Canadian Prairies and Arctic and we might ask "how could it get worse?".  Drought, I guess.

Political ramifications are often mentioned in editorials, blatant or subtle.  When this movie came out in 2004, it was election year in the US.

Climate change might be more severe and rapid than we thought.  However...

With gradual changes to thermohaline and other conveyors, the effects should still be manageable.  Crop regions will be cooler and drier.  As temperatures rise, the atmospheric circulation could change, resulting in adverse conditions.  - from the US National Security Report (c. 2004).

It's likely their financial supporters wouldn't like real and consequential government policies.  In the past, this has been the case.  

There should be a Hollywood-style institution in every country.  Music has also been a force for progress and development.  Here's a song I recorded that might fit.

Like it? There are many more on the Youtube channel I created.

Last but not least, Canadians ratified the Kyoto Protocol earlier this century.  Still don't know what that means or what happened since then.  It might take a while for it to show up.  Let's see.

New! Comments

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Have you ever seen images such as these regarding global warming?

Have a look at these pictures of global warming, climate change, and air pollution

Do you have concerns about air pollution in your area??

Perhaps modelling air pollution will provide the answers to your question.

That is what I do on a full-time basis.  Find out if it is necessary for your project.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.