Testing PH of Houshold Liquids

by Cara

Scientific PH meter

Scientific PH meter

I remember doing a project as a child with the help of my mother.

With some 9-volt batteries and that probably came packaged together with instructions, we built a very basic pH meter. From there, we used the meter to test various objects of my choosing.

It was exciting for me to try to hypothesize about what liquids would be acidic or basic! I had so much fun sticking my little meter into different liquids and recording the data.

Later, I made some very basic charts demonstrating the most acidic to most basic liquids. I completed a short paper to describe acids, bases, and why knowing about them would be valuable. In the end, I did an oral presentation on my work. The project was a success, and I even went to some sort of regional science fair with children from other schools.

The Reward

Completing a science project was such a great experience. I remember being so scared at first, as it seemed like such a daunting task. But, once I realized you could break things down into different steps, and work on one step at a time, it made things much easier and more manageable.

This is a lesson that is helpful throughout day to day life, which I learned from a science fair experiment! The task gave me confidence, as I showed myself not only was I able to master the project, but also to successfully explain it to others. It also made me realize that it’s good to be curious, and that learning is fun!

I definitely feel that children can benefit from science fairs and experiments. It’s a fun break from the standard textbook learning that goes on, and it teaches skills that are beneficial in areas well outside of science.

Barry's Response - Couldn't have said it better myself, Cara. Thanks for your story. I'm sure many will enjoy it.

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Comments for Testing PH of Houshold Liquids

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Good one
by: Jacwre

I think it is a great article. Completing a science project is such a great experience, I have also completed some science project myself. The process is very interesting.

by: Anonymous

I think this is really a great article. Just like you said, completing a science project was such a great experience, I have also completed some science project myself. The process is very interesting.

by: Anonymous

Great, recording different data for our daily usable liquids and testing their acidity is indeed a
good piece of work.

easy method for testing PH of house hold liquids
by: shaikh iqbal ahmed s/o sk.mohammed

The PH meter designed is realy praise worthy. It gives accurate results in digital form unlike the PH paper. Idea was fantastic. Atleast strong acids cannot ber enheld or tasted for their taste and nature. It is intresting design. As my self is sceince graduate,i think such models should be prepared and kept for sceince fairs.

Household Liquids Test by PH
by: Anonymous

Really a great article. the invention of pH meter leads to acurate display of pH in digital form. The image goes well with the article

pH meter
by: jenish

its really a great one.last decade people were using pH paper to find the pH value but now the invention of pH meter leads to acurate display of pH in digital form

by: Anonymous

Such a nice article. The image is well suited for this article. I like this artlicle. The scientific informations are very usefull. It is very impressive.

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