2+2=4, not 5. global warming made easy.

by Luke macmain
(Castlegar B.C. Canada)

The internal furnace

The internal furnace

Exact numbers are impossible because of the sheer size we have to deal with. But, if you multiply the 10,000 btu's the human body produces each day by 6 billion bodies,you get 60 trillion btu's, every 24 hours. The bomb dropped on Hiroshima produced 60 billion btu's, 60 trillion divided by 60 billion leaves you with 1000. Our bodies produce the same amount of heat, every 24 hours, as would detonating 1000 nuclear bombs.

Now add the heat from all the internal combustion devices, large power plants etc. Let's be conservative and add another 1000 nukes. 2000 nuclear bombs, every 24 hours. How could anyone doubt that this would melt glaciers, warm oceans and melt ice caps?

Al Gore's graphs make more sense if one shows the planet warming compared to the human population explosion. It seems to me that heat = heat may have been overlooked or actually hidden, as I have tried to contact many organizations and individuals and cannot even get a reply. Would love to hear some comments, negative or positive.

Watch this video about human population:

Barry's Response - We've always had animal-based contributions to global warming; one species has grown exponentially while others have disappeared completely, leaving a partial balance. Contributions from industry offset that balance a lot.

Do your BTU figures include direct heat output or GHG-induced heat entrapment? As far as global warming is concerned, GHGs are IT. Funny, huh?

Here's an example of an animal voted most likely to contribute to global warming.

Search this site for more information now.

The amount of heat generated by human activities is highlighted and its potential impact on the environment offers a perspective.

It raises important questions about human heat production, energy consumption, and climate change.

We can raise awareness about the scale of our impact on the environment if we understand how much heat we generate. In order to mitigate global warming, the old argument goes...we need to switch to sustainable energy sources and reduce our carbon footprint.

Although, it's important to note that the comparison to nuclear bombs is an analogy to emphasize the scale of human heat production, not a direct comparison. There are a lot of factors that go into climate change, including greenhouse gas emissions.

Engaging in discussions and getting input from experts can help us
understand the scientific consensus on climate change and how to address it. To facilitate informed dialogue, it's important to approach these discussions with an open mind, considering evidence-based research.

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by: Bucky

Well, I couldn’t exactly figure out what we are dealing here with. It was very hard for me to digest these facts as more of these things have been discussed in a more technical manner, which the Lehman cannot easily follow.

From Barry - Learning is a continuous process, and it's okay to encounter challenges. It's easier to make sense of complex information if you approach it with curiosity and a willingness to learn.

by: Anonymous

I didn't know it. What a astonishing fact it is. I'm surprised. Before reading this reality, I always believed that global warming came about because of technology, but now this reality has changed my thinking. I now know that I, WE ,US ARE THE MAIN CAUSE OF THE THIS DISASTER.

From Barry - New information can make you feel surprised and change your perspective. There are a lot of factors contributing to climate change, including human activity. Finding solutions to the climate crisis starts with recognizing our collective role.

In addition to technology and industrial processes, individual actions and choices also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding our role in climate change empowers us to make positive changes in our daily lives.

I'm glad you're open to this new understanding and willing to take responsibility. When combined with broader efforts, small things like reducing energy consumption, adopting sustainable practices, and advocating for environmental awareness can make a big difference. This newfound knowledge will help us work towards a more sustainable and resilient future by embracing climate change mitigation efforts.

Buffalo and glass.
by: luke.

Hey Barry, yeah I thought about the animal thing and what popped into my head was Buffalo. Not the place, the animal.

In the early 1800's there were "seas" of buffalo in the Americas. Maybe 60 million. A Buffalo is about 5 times the size of a human. 60 million times 5 = 300 million. Less than the population of the sparsely populated U.S.A.

The buffalo is described as the most populous, large animal to ever lived on earth. I have to wonder if there has ever, in the history of Earth, been 6 billion warm blooded animals alive at the same time? That's a lot of good sex.

So GHG? In my opinion, a green house has a solid barrier, glass, that the radiant heat from the sun passes through, but the heat is trapped by a solid, the glass. I don't know a lot about heat transfer through different gases at altitude, but I'm thinking it's nothing like the heat transfer through a solid. That gets me thinking about why it's -70 where the GHG are? Hmmm.

From Barry - Gases and solids transfer heat differently. In a greenhouse, the glass lets solar radiation (which includes visible light and ultraviolet light) pass through easily. Objects and surfaces inside the greenhouse absorb sunlight, including plants, soil, and structures. Infrared radiation is then emitted by these objects.

Infrared radiation reemitted by the glass barrier contributes to the greenhouse effect. Glass is transparent to solar radiation, but less so to long-wavelength infrared radiation. The glass prevents much of the re-emitted heat from escaping, so it's trapped inside. The glass also prevents the exchange of heat via convection.

Earth's atmosphere is different.
Natural gases in the atmosphere (like carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor) cause the greenhouse effect. Infrared radiation can be absorbed and re-emitted up and downwards by these gases. A "blanket" of clouds surrounds the Earth, trapping some of the heat radiated from its surface.

While the mechanism is different, the concept of trapping heat is the same. The solid glass barrier traps heat by preventing infrared radiation from escaping. By absorbing and re-emitting infrared radiation, greenhouse gases trap some of the heat in the atmosphere and contribute to the greenhouse effect.

by: Luke

An young, mon ami. Sabai dee? Stop. I hope none of you good people think I'm suggesting that we continue to pollute our planet.

But let's stay focused here please, this is about heat and why we have to much of it. I don't like breathing GHG, but do they actually trap heat?

A greenhouse traps heat because there is a solid barrier that the heat does not transfer through as easily as our atmosphere. Heat transfer to space is not slowed by any type of gas. In my opinion.

From Barry - Certain gases can actually stop heat-carrying radiation. What's the greenhouse effect? On Earth, it's a natural process. Some of the heat from the sun gets absorbed by our planet's surface. Infrared radiation then radiates back into the atmosphere.

Here's where the gases come in. CO2 and methane can trap some of this infrared radiation. As a blanket, they keep the heat close to the surface. The glass lets the sun's rays in, but keeps the heat from escaping.

Life on Earth depends on this trapped heat because it keeps our planet warm. As a result of human activities, these gases are getting more prevalent in the atmosphere, trapping more heat. Our climate is changing because of global warming.

Although gases don't stop radiation like solids, they can absorb and trap heat-carrying radiation, just like greenhouse glass. Understanding it helps us understand how gases in the atmosphere affect the temperature of our planet.

by: KOTO

Aloha Luke:

One thing that I know, is that the more cement, asphalt and plastic bags that cover our earth. There are trillions of plastic bags that are covering much of our land, sea, lake and river floors plus more in our landfills, making it impossible for earth to breathe. And they, along with all of the cement and asphalt that we are covering our Earth with, take out our trees, rainforests and natural water.

One would think, (CAN'T BREATHE = DIE) I realize there are many other things that man, is doing, while not caring about the future of the earth, only thinking about their "now." I for one, am ashamed to be what is killing, all life on Earth, a man.

From Barry - Human actions can have a big impact on our planet. Cement, asphalt, and plastic bags are all causing concern. The materials cover a lot of our planet and make it hard for the Earth to breathe.

Plastic bags, for instance, end up in our land, sea, lakes, and rivers. These things don't break down easily and can harm the environment and animals. A lot of trees, rainforests, and natural water sources are being destroyed by cement and asphalt.

We block the natural processes that keep our planet healthy when we cover large areas of the planet with these materials. As an example, trees produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, which helps regulate the planet's temperature. This balance gets disrupted when we remove them and replace them with cement and asphalt.

If the Earth can't breathe, it can have severe consequences for all life on earth. This is why we should be mindful of our actions and think about the long-term impact on the Earth. We need to reduce plastic use, protect our natural environments, and make sustainable choices that will benefit the present and future.

You're awesome for caring about the Earth. Recycling, conserving water, and spreading awareness are all small things that can make a difference. We can work together to make the world a healthier and more sustainable place. Keep asking questions and learning. Our planet needs you.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.