Darrell's Response

A penguin at the North Pole?

A penguin at the North Pole?

Although it has became a widely acccepted fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, Methane gas contributes more per ton to the greenhouse effect, and, it is not known how much methane is released into the atmosphere per year.

We know tons are released during volcanic events, but we are not sure how many of these events occur in any given decade. We know there are between 10-25 hot spots under the earth's mantle, most of which are in the oceans and seas. Not only that, but as the perma frost defrost many frozen pockets of methane are now being released.

It is not known how the reversal of the magnetic poles are going to affect our climate, but the magnetic north pole is marching to the south. Check this website for more information. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomagnetic_reversal

Climate change has always happened. We humans are only becoming aware that changes are occurring. How can we believe we are so in control that we alone can adversely affect the globe? Our activities may have escalated global climate change, but it has been happening since the birth of this planet.

Barry's Response - Good, Darrell. We needed another factor to consider (Magnetic shift) when trying to figure out the current climate trend. We're also dealing with frozen methane leaks.

Among the other things that have been said to lead to climate change, atmospheric composition has gotten a lot of attention over the past 25 years, along with variations in solar activity, while Milankovitch cycles go largely unnoticed. Have a closer look at their effects. I really appreciate you taking the time to understand this complex issue, thank you again.

Search this site for more information now.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the complex issue of climate change and the role of greenhouse gases, in particular methane.

Your perspective and points are great.

Indeed, methane is a potent greenhouse gas, and it contributes a lot to the greenhouse effect. The total amount of methane released into the atmosphere by volcanic events is hard to quantify. The thawing of permafrost can also release trapped methane, adding to the atmospheric concentration.

Climate change is influenced by a variety of natural processes and phenomena. Scientists study tectonic plate movements, volcanic activity, and the magnetic field's behavior to better understand how these things affect our climate.

Climate change has happened throughout Earth's history. Past climate fluctuations have been driven by natural factors like solar radiation variations, volcanic eruptions, and shifts in Earth's orbital parameters (Milankovitch cycles). Over millions of years, these natural climate variations have shaped our planet's climate.

The difference between the current climate change and previous ones is the rapid increase in greenhouse gas concentrations. Fuel burning, deforestation, and industrial processes release a lot of carbon dioxide. As a result of these emissions, the greenhouse effect has intensified, causing a warming trend that appears out of control.

Although we need to acknowledge the Earth's natural climate variability, human-induced greenhouse gas emissions have been tagged as the primary cause of global warming right now. As the world's leading authority on climate science, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has repeatedly stressed that human activities affect climate.

Recognizing our role in climate change doesn't mean we can control everything or adversely affect the world. The point is, it's a reminder of our responsibility to address the consequences of our actions and work towards sustainable practices that mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to the changes already underway, and foster a resilient future for both humans and the planet.

Engage in informed discussions about climate change and explore different viewpoints. As we tackle this global challenge, we need to rely on scientific research and find effective solutions that balance environmental sustainability and social equity.

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