explanation about global warming

by HD



according to me global warming is a big problem which the world is facing just because of the irresponsibility of our people. We should think that what we our doing to our future generation. deforestation, industrialisation, urbanisation is the major cause of such effect. the day is near when again human being has to suffer from ice age and this time it may be more disastrous and there are possibility that we may not be lucky this time.

Barry's Response - Yes, we have seen all extremes over the history of this earth. The ancient climates page gives you a good brief rundown on the changes.

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good one
by: Ceana

From the looks of the way global warming is going, is a sure fact that things would turn out to be moving on in a difficult and dangerous stage due to our over use of resources since a while.

Amnon Feiner needs a job
by: Anonymous

I need to find a job fluffing and that doesnt mean pillows.

Amnon Feiner

Barry's Response - I won't even venture a guess.

SO HOT!!!!
by: andy balales

i get all sweaty thinking about it. just because it is so HHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

global warming
by: andrew balalas

It makes me take off all my clothes. So why is that a bad thing?

Stopping irresponsibility is the better busines decision
by: Anonymous

I agree with your comment opening about the irresponsibility of our people. Being result oriented and forward minded, with a group of collaborators, we have done a lot of thinking and came up with a win win win scenario called Seanergy.

Seanergy is the only organization dedicated to a POLLUTION FREE NORTH POLE. We promote the fact that it should be developed in a sustainable manner and fuelled by renewable tidal hydrogen, thus becoming the world’s first Green Industrial Zone. This means that when all the facts are put in perspective, the better business decision is the only one offering this high level of protection to one of earth's last virgin environmental heritage. I, in return I have one question for you: how can you help?

Time is of the essence, let me know

Best Regards
Stefan Bumbaru
Co Founder

Not necessarily
by: angela winters

I don't know that we're completely to blame for this problem. I think that your views are well thought out, but i don't know the whole story. I know that they have been tracking the climate changes and things like that for years. But to say that the human race is completely at fault, is a little strong. I know that we were partly at fault. I'm gonna do some more research on this, and then I'll come back and see if i agree with your views more.

by: Kimberly

While there may be some genuine concerns in this person's commentary, I can't get beyond the lousy grammar and punctuation. He/she doesn't elaborate on their thoughts, and I'm almost relieved, sorry to say. Well, not really. Did you get beyond grade school?? Don't worry about global warming; you have bigger fish to fry.

It's just okay
by: Virginia

First off, someone needs to check the page for punctuation and grammatical errors. As far as the content, it is interesting but when accessing the second page from it, I think anyone other than a scientist would get their eyes glazed over with the details. My feeling is that those of us who are concerned about global warming evidence want more information about the "here and now" and not intimate, too-in-depth details of eons ago.

say what?
by: connie

I agree that we need to clean up the air, and cut back on the deforestation, and I will look around more on here to see what information is offered, although it seems much of it is contradictory from what I've read over the years. And, I'm no meteorologist, but I think it's safe to say that global warming is NOT going to lead to another ICE AGE.

by: Anonymous

if you have an opinion garnered from the media, filled with buzz words and watered down liberal idealism, than you hae no idea what your saying...

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.