BIGGEST problem

by winetou1984

Certainly worth addressing

Certainly worth addressing

Global warming is the BIGGEST problem there can be. if we don't do something fast... our children will have to "pay for our sins"

Barry's Response - Yeah, you're right! It is if we want it to be. Global warming is like a term paper deadline we've been putting off. Our kids might not give us a glowing review in their future history books if we don't come up with some solutions. Let's swap out those carbon footprints for some eco-friendly moves!

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Biggest Problem
by: Anonymous

I totally agree that global warming is one of our biggest problems. I also think that we need to do something about it soon before it is to late.

From Barry - We're on the same page! Climate change is like the ultimate wake-up call, and hitting snooze isn't an option. We need to channel our inner superheroes and save the planet - capes optional, but passion required!

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by thangaraj

In our world effect at global warming.

Barry's Response - Not sure what you're getting at, Thangaraj. But the scientific community has acknowledged many times over that global warming is a concern, and that humans have likely been significant contributors.

Here is an introductory page on the subject of global warming issues.

Global warming awareness has indeed been raised by 'An Inconvenient Truth'. Let's keep the climate conversation going.

Search this site for more information now.

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I sorta liked it

Great Satellite Photo

Great Satellite Photo

In my Technical Education class in high school, my teacher showed this (An Inconvenient Truth) to the class. I know a lot of what was said wasn't entirely accurate, but it still did a very good job at raising awareness about global warming. I think it was good because of the awareness it raised, and not because of its accuracy.

Barry's Response - That was really the point, wasn't it.

As a catalyst for climate discussions,

'An Inconvenient Truth' played a big part.

Even with inaccuracies, global warming is an urgent issue. Here's a lesson in persuasion and how it works.

Comments for I sorta liked it

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by: Anonymous

I liked the picture. That is a massive picture of a hurricane and I can see it linked to global warming in a way.

From Barry - Global warming is said to be causing sea levels to rise, glaciers to melt, and extreme weather events like hurricanes. As a result of using carbon-based fuels and increasing emissions, human activities have contributed to climate change.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.