Hot nights in the Charlottes

by Jennifer
(Sechelt, British Columbia)

The author, in her typical outwear during her kayak excursion in North-western Canada.

The author, in her typical outwear during her kayak excursion in North-western Canada.

Imagine an area so hot that when you camp out at night you find yourself peeling your clothes off instead of putting more on.

Imagine a temperate zone with sunshine for weeks, leading to bikini wearing days.

Imagine a wind storm blowing like a hair dryer so your wet clothes dry in mere minutes.

Such was my experience to the Queen Charlotte Islands this past summer. Yes, really.

For those not in-the-know, the Charlottes are an island archipelago just 40 miles south of Alaska and 50 miles off the coast of Northern British Columbia.

The island chain is known for unpredictable and unstable weather conditions. Also, the fact that they are located so far North, one would most assuredly expect cooler temperatures. Perhaps cold. And rain. Afterall, this is the place where weather is born.

My kayak tour through this temperate rain forest, however, was graced with hot, yes HOT weather most days. I nearly lived in my bikini and those nights spent camping on Turning Point beach found me stripping down to my birthday suit.

So, I hear that Canada has cold weather.

I am still waiting for it.

Barry's Response - Thank you, Jennifer. That part of Canada has winter too; just wait. The winters there aren't as cold, but they're wetter.

Pallant Creek, one of the main island towns, had a record temperature of 33 degrees Celsius in August 1993. That's pretty good. Although the place gets over two feet of snow in a typical winter, the average January night doesn't go below freezing. The data comes from Environment and Climate Change Canada.

What's the island's location? (officially) Haida Gwaii is off the coast of BC, roughly 53 degrees north, same as Edmonton, 300 km north of Vancouver.

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Ah, the climate of Canada's Queen Charlotte Islands, a beautiful interplay of atmospheric phenomena and natural forces.

With the Pacific Ocean encircling them, the islands experience a unique convergence of maritime influences.

A symphony of mist-laden forests and breathtaking vistas is born when moist air dances with the prevailing winds. Oceanic currents, mountains, and abundant precipitation shape a temperate rainforest climate, where lush vegetation thrives and biodiversity thrives. An awe-inspiring blend of elements, a testament to nature's harmony.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.