It's all about money, and that's the truth!

by Josie

Needs in balance

Needs in balance

"greenhouse gases" in the air (mainly carbon dioxide) are what cause global warming. The greenhouse effect is not a good thing, it keeps heat in the earths atmosphere, this in turn does damage such as melting the ice caps, etc.

It's all about money, and that's the truth! The reason big companies want to ignore global warming, or down play it, or pretend it is not happening at all, is because the processes they have to do (in order to make their money) cause CO2 emissions.

They do not want to admit what they are doing is bad for the environment, because being "earth friendly" costs too much. The bottom line is, these big companies are concerned about their bottom line, it is all about money and most companies will do whatever they have to in order to save a dime, or make a dime, and that is the sad truth.

Barry's Response - Josie, that's where government comes in. Ideally, they work with companies to come up with profitable, sustainable solutions.

Working in partnership/consensus, trying to fit everyone's needs, allows progress with minimal harm. Environmental Impact Assessments study the effects of an industrial development across many disciplines and can be thousands of pages.

There can be a wide range of opinions about the economy and climate change depending on the perspective, beliefs, and experiences of the individual.

Here are some common feelings:

- People are worried about climate change's impact on the economy. Environmental degradation can lead to extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and resource scarcity, which can disrupt industries, cause economic instability, and increase government and individual financial burdens.

- Global warming isn't just an environmental issue, it's an economic one too. Sustainable practices and investing in renewable energy can create new jobs, drive innovation, and boost economic growth in sectors like clean technology and green infrastructure.

- Skepticism: Some people are skeptical about air emissions and climate change mitigation efforts. Businesses and consumers may worry that implementing environmental regulations and switching to cleaner energy sources could hurt their industries, cost them jobs, or increase their costs.

- There's a lot of economic potential in tackling climate change. Their goal is to drive innovation, create green jobs, and position themselves for long-term sustainable growth. Economic prosperity can be achieved by embracing renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable practices.

- Discussions about the economy and climate change often involve trade-offs. It's been argued that prioritizing economic growth and development could conflict with efforts to mitigate climate change, but others say we need balanced solutions that promote both prosperity and sustainability.

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Various factors, including cultural, political, and socioeconomic contexts, influence opinions on this topic. The economy and climate change can change over time as new information emerges and societal priorities change.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.