methane air pollution

by michael marti

Additional Greenhouse Gases

Additional Greenhouse Gases

Both methane air pollution and global warming could be reduced by controlling emissions of methane gas according to a new study by scientists at Harvard University, Argonne National Laboratory and the Environmental Protection Agency.

The reason they say is that methane is directly linked to the production of ozone in the troposphere, the lowest part of the earth atmosphere, extending from the surface to around 12 kilometers (7 miles) altitude. Ozone is the primary ingredient of smog and methane. Ozone is significant green house gas. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are an important outdoor air pollution.

Barry's Response - Thank you, Michael, for the handy recap.

Here's a bit more detail - Methane gets into the atmosphere by changes in soil composition and temperature, agriculture and livestock emitting methane directly, garbage dumps and the treatment of waste water, energy industry.

Ozone, normally found at about 0.6 ppm in the troposphere, is a form of pollution. It is also an effective greenhouse gas, with a CO2e factor of about 1000 initially, though it does not last as long.

Its prominent source is through the dissociation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by radiant sunlight energy and reactions with volatile organic chemicals (VOC). Atmospheric scientists call this product photochemical smog. It is toxic, ugly and brown.

Smog may have become less of a problem in North America over the decades, but other parts of the world have become worse. Take a look at the air quality in China, for instance.

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As a potent greenhouse gas (GHG), methane contributes significantly to global warming.

It has a shorter lifespan in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide (CO2), but its effect is much greater. Over a 100-year period, methane is estimated to have 28-36 times the warming effect of CO2.

As part of efforts to mitigate climate change, many scientists generally agree that methane emissions are important. While emphasizing the need for balanced and cost-effective approaches to deal with methane's impact, they might describe it as a significant concern due to its role in global warming.

Here is a list of things to consider:

- Emission Reduction Strategies: They might advocate for practical and economically feasible ways to reduce methane emissions. Methane emissions from landfills could be reduced by improving leak detection and repair in the oil and gas industry, promoting efficient livestock management practices, and reducing leaks in the oil and gas industry.

- These scientists might acknowledge that methane comes from natural sources, like wetlands and geological processes, while emphasizing that human activities can worsen and increase methane emissions.

- Technologies: They may advocate for new technologies to reduce methane emissions more efficiently and effectively. Innovations in energy production, agriculture, waste management, and other sectors could help.

- We might stress the importance of balancing environmental concerns with economic ones. Those people might argue for policies that reduce emissions while minimizing unnecessary regulatory burdens.

Methane emissions are a critical component of climate change mitigation, according to scientific consensus. When evaluating the impact of methane on global warming, we should rely on the overall scientific evidence, regardless of anyone's political leaning.

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by: michael

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