Stop The Habits of SMOKING

by Nur Sarina

Butt Out

Butt Out

If all people have stop smoking we will able to breath easily and the number of people getting asthma will reduce.

Barry's Response - Asthma. I'm sure that would work. This is one of many things that can be done to reduce what causes air pollution and keep the earth and people healthy. I'm sure you can think of others.

Look at the benefits to the environment as more people quit the habit.

Search this site for more information now.

The link between smoking and respiratory health, including the development of asthma, is well established in research.

Here are a few smoking and asthma stats:

- Asthma and smoking: Smoking is well-established as a risk factor for asthma, as well as for exacerbating asthma symptoms. Asthma is more common in smokers than non-smokers.

- Secondhand smoke and asthma: Exposure to secondhand smoke, which occurs when non-smokers breathe in smoke from others' cigarettes, is associated with an increased risk of asthma development. Asthma-related problems are more common in kids exposed to secondhand smoke.

- World Health Organization (WHO) says 235 million people have asthma worldwide. Asthma prevalence varies between countries and populations, but it's a major public health issue.

- Quitting smoking has been shown to improve asthma control and reduce asthma-related exacerbations. As well as improving lung function, it's good for respiratory health.

Asthma, smoking, and ambient air quality all have complex relationships. These are some key points:

1) Asthma and smoking: Smoking is a known risk factor for developing and worsening asthma. Active smoking (smoking cigarettes directly) and secondhand smoke can trigger asthma symptoms. Asthmatics should quit smoking to improve their respiratory health and reduce asthma symptoms.

2) In addition to particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and volatile organic compounds, ambient air pollution can contribute to asthma development and exacerbation. When you're exposed to high levels of air pollution, you're more likely to develop asthma and have worse asthma symptoms.

3) People with asthma may have different triggers that worsen their symptoms. While air pollution is a known asthma trigger, not everyone is affected the same way. People with asthma may be more sensitive to specific pollutants or have other triggers, like allergens (e.g., pollen, dust mites) or occupational exposures (e.g., chemicals, fumes).

4) Asthmatics spend a lot of time indoors, so indoor air quality is important. Secondhand smoke, mold, pet dander, and household chemicals can contribute to poor indoor air quality and trigger asthma symptoms. Healthy indoor environments for asthma sufferers include good ventilation, reducing indoor pollutants, and avoiding smoking.

5) Governments and public health agencies play a big role in improving ambient air quality and reducing pollution exposure. Measures like promoting clean energy, implementing emission controls, and establishing guidelines for indoor air quality can help.

Asthmatics should be aware of their triggers, like smoking and poor air quality, and take appropriate measures to manage their condition. Maintaining good respiratory health requires consulting with healthcare professionals and following their advice, including quitting smoking and reducing exposure to environmental triggers.

The statistics above show a link between smoking and asthma, but individual outcomes may vary. Genetics, environmental exposures, and other underlying health conditions can also influence asthma development and management.

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Keeping your smoke and butts to yourself
by: KOTO

Aloha Nur Sarina of Singapore:

I live in Thailand where many people are smoking and then flicking their toxic cigarette filters (butts) behind, polluting our waterways and leaving dangers for our not-knowing-any-better children and wildlife to ingest, making them sick and contaminating our drinking water. This trash also contaminates the water where the fish we eat live and grow.

It is very hard to get people to quit smoking. It is like taking away a pacifier from a baby in the sense that they will kick, scream and fight to keep it.

It is a habit that is very hard to quit and we can only try to train them not to smoke around non-smokers and to dispose of their toxic cigarette butts properly (because take may several years to decompose fully), not into our streets where they end up in our storm drains and then the rivers, lakes and ocean. The fish turtles, dolphins, water birds and swimmers suffer because of people who put these butts into the sand on the beach or in parks.

Some smokers understand and do not flick or leave behind poison for the rest of us to enjoy, but way too many either don't know the dangers or don't care.

You see, Nur, smoking is an addiction and a sickness that many people don't want to quit or are not strong enough to do so. If you were to start in your neighborhood, cleaning up and Search this site for notifying others of your efforts, you could make a difference and help in saving the lives of living things. This could also end up making your drinking water a little safer.

You, Nur, can make a difference.
May the force be with you.
KOTO Keeper Of The Ocean

From Barry - The public has become more educated about the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke. Smoking might also be discouraged by government policies, like raising taxes on cigarettes or banning it in public.

Many of the chemicals in tobacco smoke are harmful to human health. Non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to develop lung cancer and heart disease. Non-smokers should limit their exposure to secondhand smoke.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.