The Beginning of the Transition to Colder/Warmer Times

by Carl
(Reno, NV, USA)

The Great Warm Water Pool (NASA)

The Great Warm Water Pool (NASA)

The tilt of the Earth for the last 20,000 years has put more radiation on the Temperate Zones and the Polar Zones. It caused the beginning of the meltdown by 18,000 years that continued strongly until about 9,000 years ago when it slowed a bit but continued.

More radiation is now on the parts of the Temperate Zones closer to the Equatorial Zone, which is also getting more radiation. The rate of change of the Earth's tilt is accelerating as it will soon cross the threshold where the Equatorial Zone will be much hotter (this spells tragedy for Africa, India, Indonesia, Northern Australia and Brazil).

However, this will also bode ill for the parts of the Temperate Zones closer to the Polar Zones. Here is why. The solar radiation will be less in these parts, while it will be stronger in the Equatorial Zone. This will increase the heat in the Great Warm Water Pool (GWWP) (discovered at NASA) that ranges from Madagascar across the Indian Ocean, past Indonesia and into the Central Pacific.

This GWWP gets hotter and expands to bring floods that we are seeing nowadays, and then it cools and shrinks. The heated water evaporates enormous extra quantities in the atmosphere, and where it cools, it rains torrents.

The GWWP is directly connected to the El Nino/La Nina cycles, that somewhat follow the sunspot cycles, but includes multiple cycles of them in that the GWWP appears to have a cycle of about 40-41 years. Its temperature and size vary -20% to +20% from the average, a 40% difference between droughts and floods. For more on El Nino, see

Water vapor is 22,000 parts per million on average, while CO2 is 386 ppm. And each water vapor molecule absorbs about 50 times as much radiated energy as CO2. Thus it is impossible for CO2 to be anything other than negligible in warming or cooling of the planet (I am sorry Virginia, but there is no CO2 danger).

But water and water vapor are critical. The oceans are the heat storage bins for the Earth, but the GWWP is the most important bin. That water is now at 86 degrees F., which I submit is very warm for oceans. This latent heat in the GWWP has been driving the flooding (which is uneven and there can be terrible droughts in places where the moisture laden air doesn't reach).

In the image above, the red is quite warm but the lighter orange is the hottest and send unimaginable quantities of water into the atmosphere. The image is taken from space and processed to show relative temperatures.

-- Carl G. Looney, Ph.D.

Barry's Response - Interesting. I was hoping to find more credible sources online about this phenomenon, but the supply is short. Thanks for spreading the word, Carl.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

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