The Telegraph

by Shawn B
(Queens NY)

Early model from Samuel Morse

Early model from Samuel Morse

This was something we had to be creative about in school. I was in Junior High and had to build a telegraph. We created it out of wood, inserted a nail, cut a tin foil and placed it right above the nail; there was wire wrapped around the nail attached to a battery and a light bulb. Every time you touched the piece of tin to the nail the bulb lit up.

Barry's Response - Thanks for your brief description, Shawn. This device did demonstrate how early communications were made possible by electric transmission. And greatly sped up long-distance communications as early as the beginning of the 1800's, making it possible to do so without using paper (and pony express) for the first time.

Even more interesting was the media of communications that followed, eventually leading to telex, where a network of so-called teleprinters, sent text-messages, starting in the 1930's. The latest news messages transmitted over these lines for papers and radio stations to transmit.

Then came, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) and eventually the internet. The rest is all history.

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by: Faryal

A great Article.. Helped me a lot.. Thanks for Sharing
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Interesting Article
by: Anonymous

Well written, however the illustration looked boring. Adding some color might help keep my attention.

by: Anonymous

It was a nice photograph and article. The information was also nice.

good information
by: Anonymous

i read the page,the information with the tegraph is good.

by: Anonymous

Such a nice article. The informations very nice. The picture is suited for this topic.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.