This Living Planet is Ill

by Faithful Reader

Please help it!

Please help it!

Think of Earth as a complete organism, with several interconnected systems. It is getting a fever and James Lovelock said that by the year 2100 people will have to live in the Arctic to survive. Maybe this is a terminal case, too late to fix.

Depressing. Especially if you consider that earth is partly being kept cool by visible pollution. What if that went away? Real trouble.

Barry's Response - Sounds like great catastrophisizing to me. Could make a great film. Thanks, Reader.

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i have the best solution to global warming

by Vishal trivedi

Let's try this...

Let's try this...

i have designed a car that does not use any type of fuel to run and to my belief it can give a non toxic atmoshphere

Barry's Response - Thanks, Vishal. Sounds good and useful. Do you have a working prototype or publishable paper on the design?

Aloha Vishal

Does it have two sets of pedals or one

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by TT

Sunset in the West

Sunset in the West

The sun is a light on the earth but if we keep poluting we won't be able to see it and then we will die take care of earth!

Barry's Response - Thank you TT. Some folks have said that blocking sunlight from reaching the ground can help to reduce the effects of globals warming. Some pollutants that block light can also produce vivid sunsets like this one. Having said that, most will agree it is not really a good idea, though. So, yeah. Take care of the earth.

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stop global warming

by karthick
(kumarapatnam, karnataka, india)

Is this a solution?

Is this a solution?

the global warming can be reduced by increasing the use of renewable sources of energy. this decreases pollution and recuces global warming. this can also be reduced by reducing fuel consumption like using public transportation instead of personal etc. this can even be reduced by decreasing the use of CFC's

Barry's Response - thanks Karthick, for the few bits of important advice.

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by Garry

Be worried. 15 degrees real worried..

Barry's Response - I'm not worried. There is not enough information to make anyone worried, really. Is this temperature given in Fahrenheit or Celsius? What geographical region and time of year (time of day) was it recorded? Is it a raw temperature, a wind chill or a dewpoint? Was it even outdoors?

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don't get lost....

by Taylor

In this pic there are wonderful blue hills and i don't want to loose it.......... or the earth please stop global warming polluting just stop being rude to da earth it our HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barry's response - Hi Taylor. Nice blue hills. And white elephants, and red hurricanes. Can't forget those either.

btw, taking care of our earth is a really good idea. Thanks.

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all up to us

by winetou1984
(cluj, romania)

This guy remembers the good old days

This guy remembers the good old days

it's all up to us. if we do not help ourselves who will?! the article is great.

Barry's Response - The earth becomes what the earth matter who's in it. It has survived billions (e9) of years before we came along and will continue to do so for billions more after we're gone.

See the ancient climates page for more about this.

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being chilled by the this climate is now going to be dream....its true every one have to accept it.

Most interesting hot fact is, reason for the future absence of coldness is "WE". Interesting right.........?????????

Barry's Response - Maybe...I'm not quite sure if I get it. Thank you nonetheless.

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in Romania...

by winetou1984



it's a huge problem. right now (23 january 2009), in Romania, are 14-15 degrees Celsius. It's very hot for this time of year.

Barry's Response - Well, given that average January temperatures in Romania hang around -3 degrees (according to Wikipedia) that does sound like a bit of warming. How consistent has it been?

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.