computer models

by P Kumar, Ph.D.
(Jodhpur, India)

Atmospheric computer models

Atmospheric computer models

1. Currently there is no scale existing to test the accuracy of any EPA computer models for prediction of Air Pollution, any where in the world. In a recent publication of mine(Experimental technique of calibration of symmetrical air pollution models, J. Earth Syst. Sci. 114, No. 5, October 2005, pp. 1-7.) I have given an Index(SAPMI) which can be used for the purpose.

2. I am interested to know the opinion of your government and your own openion, on compulsorily implementing it i.e. before any such prediction models are used for research/commercial purpose, its SAPMI Index values are marked on the 'software Copy'.

3. I would be most curiously looking forward to your response, please.

Barry's Response - Hi Prabhat,

First of all, I'm not an expert at evaluating the quality, precision, or accuracy of these models. You've probably got me beat. My only degree is a B.Sc. I studied physics.

Obviously, these models aren't perfect, better ones can and have been developed, and any model can only go so far. In my jurisdiction, ISC, a primative model by any standard, is accepted for lower intermediate air quality assessments (written before July 2009). Many other North American territories also accept its results as a baseline. I live in Alberta, Canada, which has mostly rolling terrain.

I think CALPUFF is better, but it's not necessary for my area. It is used for environmental impact assessment modelling

To save money and be efficient, we use what the government officials understand. ISC's simple evaluation is fine with us if our regulatory body accepts it.

There's a general consensus that the model overpredicts ambient concentrations in ambiguous situations. Officials seem to think that's good enough, and more refined modelling isn't necessary unless there's a problem. In which case one might choose CALPUFF or one of the customized or proprietary assessment computer models if it is justifiable.

I haven't read the paper you suggested on the SAPMI index, but I think I will.
Search this site for more information now.

To begin, I would like to thank you for reaching out to me and sharing your valuable insight into the accuracy of the EPA's computer models for predicting air pollution.

It's clear that you put a lot of time and effort into your research, and your dedication to improving environmental predictions is really commendable.

It's intriguing that you suggest using the SAPMI Index to test prediction models' accuracy. I'm inspired by your commitment to making these models more robust and reliable. Understanding and mitigating environmental challenges requires us to constantly strive for accuracy and reliability.

My own opinion and the opinion of our government is that open discussions and collaborative efforts are key to progress. You could make prediction models more transparent and accountable by ensuring they meet the highest standards before they're used for research or commercial use. It's in line with our goal of making well-informed decisions that make a positive impact on the environment and communities.

Engage relevant stakeholders, like government agencies and environmental experts, in conversations. It's possible to make the future cleaner and healthier by working together and considering innovative ideas like the SAPMI Index.

I want to thank you again for your dedication to this issue. Your curiosity and passion are appreciated, and I'm looking forward to hearing more about your work.

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Interesting topic, crappy spelling
by: Xombicide

When I first saw this article I was very interested because I am a vegetarian who is very concerned about the environment. I had no idea that my computer could be emitting pollution.
I'm definitely going to look into the rest of this site to see if there are any other ways to reverse my carbon footprint.
My only request is that someone should rewrite this article with better grammar. It's hard to understand at times.

From Barry - As people become more aware of climate change, they're looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprints. It's important to be aware of the environmental impact of all our activities, even those that seem unrelated, like using a computer.

They're great for learning about the issue and looking for ways to reduce your environmental impact. Computers are typically powered by electricity, which comes from non-renewable sources like coal and natural gas. As a result, we should be aware of the environmental impact of computers, and take steps to reduce it.

Very intriguing
by: Anonymous

This is a topic on which I have no expertise but am interested in as a consumer - I'm interested to learn more. Very informative.

From Barry - Meteorological and air quality modeling involves understanding how the atmosphere, land surface, and ocean interact. It also involves understanding how different meteorological conditions affect the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. We can make better decisions when it comes to air quality and climate change if we know more about air quality and meteorology.

New Reader as well as new thinker.
by: Anonymous

It was good to see that there is such kind of thinkers regarding that as I am a user of computer from last 15 years and never think about it. i clicked on that for nothing but it was interesting. just by reading this I click on the links one by one as it build an interest and wanted to know about it. There would be some tested results and let us come to know if there is something like which brands are gud to use and which are bad for health and things like this.

From Barry - It's always important to be aware of the potential health risks associated with the products we use, especially those we rely on every day like computers.

Testing results can tell us what brands are safe and which ones could be harmful. This topic needs more research so users can make informed decisions.

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