Global Warming Hoax Perpetrated By Climatologists

Jim Inhofe, American Politician against global warming nonsense.

Jim Inhofe, American Politician against global warming nonsense.

It is a crime that you are continuing to perpetrate this hoax. It has been conclusively shown that the climate warming/climate change is just an attempt by a greener the thou group of fanatics to line their collective pockets. This has been shown as junk science yet you continue to publish more junk. You represent Canada and Canadians get out of politics and back to weather. You just dropped another notch in the public esteem.

Barry's Response - Well, it makes you wonder if the climatologists were the ones who perpetuated the myth. They may have come up with the original ideas, based on some solid science, but others (politicians and those with commercial interests) have taken and stretched it out of proportion.

Climate change is and always was. It has occurred long before mankind came around to mess around with it and will continue long after we're done with it. We've seen some influence caused by our industrial and consumer activity, and many researchers have attempted to isolate and quantify its effects. There has been no agreement in this regard except to state that we have had some effect.

As we have been returning from the Little Ice Age to "normal" over the last couple centuries, it looks like a warming trend for certain. I guess, because it is one.

No one researcher can grasp all the the data in sufficient detail to make any broad statements with any amount of precision. Not yet, anyway.

We make global warming models to predict what's happening, but by nature they ignore what they don't know about and what has yet to occur without their knowledge. And a major component of that is the earth-ecosystem stability.

Thanks for bringing this up.

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by: Anonymous

Great info! I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have.

by: james

i visit your site and i am happy to find this global warming hoax perpetrated by climatologists. this is awesome story which you shared here, keep it up the good work.

by: Anonymous

This has been shown as cock skill also you endure to release also cock. You characterize Canada besides Canadians receive away of discreets also abet to endure.

the hoax of climate change
by: Anonymous

As I look out the window at the piles of snow and the temperature is reading minus 25 with a wind chill of minus 35, I wonder how anyone can claim the earth is warming?
Of course there is climate change, 15,000 years ago there was 2 kms of ice covering north America and now there is not. At one time there were trees and grass at the north and south poles and climate change once again warmed the planet and most of the ice is gone except for the poles. There are always people out to make money for themselves from any event and we all know who these enviroterrorists are.

Barry's Response - Sometimes we all gotta take a look at the bigger picture.

by: Yaxc

Actually I would advise you all you to improve in this department and would indeed be something nice too. The changes that we would see soon are much more than what we had to go through in the past. So education is necessary.

global cooling
by: Anonymous

The world is in a very cold period and these global warmer nutbars are still claiming this is the result of it.
When will our governments come out with the truth?

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