Jaipur IOC blast

Oil Industry Mishap in India

Oil Industry Mishap in India

Jaipur, the capital of the state Rajasthan, in india.

In a petroleum depot, there was a blast. It caused a lot of air pollution. Some people died and many were injured in it.

Barry's Response I assume you refer to the Jaipur fire on Oct 29, 2009. The depot is owned by the Indian Oil Corporation and sits on the outskirts of Jaipur, Rajasthan. 12 people were killed, over 200 injured and several hundred thousand evacuated because of air quality concerns amongst others.

The terminal caught fire as gasoline was flowing from the depot into the pipeline. The explosion sent shock waves out for several kilometres. The resulting fire persisted for several days afterwards, leading to the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of residents. It must have been spectacular.

The flames rose 100 feet or more into the air and could be seen from nearly 20 miles away. The military was deployed to help handle the blaze.

Jaipur, otherwise known as The Pink City, has over 3 million citizens. It attracts a large number or tourists, many of whom were in the vicinity of the Sitapura Oil Terminal, where this incident took place. The international airport and several hotels serving the tourism sector are situated in relatively close proximity to the terminal.

The ambient temperature at the time was about 28°C, about 2° greater than average. Daily highs and lows for this date are normally 32 and 19° respectively.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited is a large, stable petroleum company with upstream and downstream operations in the country. The company stock trades on the NSE (India's National Stock Exchange) and fell from about 310 INR (Indian Rupees) during the incident to about 292 by mid-November. But by mid-2010, it was trading above 400.

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