
by John K
(Wayzata, MN, USA)

Ideas in their minds

Ideas in their minds

I find it odd that we can predict what the earth will do in 50 years, but cannot get the weather right for this weekend.

At one time Minnesota was covered by 3 miles of ice and the Sahara was a tropical ecosystem. The earth changes its cycles through cold and warm.

The environmentalists use questionable science as a basis for changing the world economy. These same people will not be happy until everybody lives in cramped communities, walks to work, and eats leaves and grasses.

Its not "cool" to jump on the green bandwagon just to try to fit in.

Barry's Response - Not cool at all. You gotta have your own reasons, and that will make them valid. Good go, John.

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by: Anonymous

I agree about the fact that we can predict what is going to happen in the future but we can not even predict what is going to happen with the weather. That is total nonsense. I also agree that it has to deal with money. Everything now a days has to deal with money.

Stop Clunkers
by: Ludi

Why are we all driving clunkers. One , you dont save money on gas, and two, your killing the planet jerks.

Would you like to explore any more of the site, which is mostly about weather?
by: Anonymous

Would you like to explore any more of the site, which is mostly about weather

valuable article
by: vidhansiva

it is a good article with the right image showing cause of global warming.this article helps to know the cause of global warming.

by: Karthick

The imagery attracted me very much. It alarms the people about global warming. Also the article air pollution was good.

scientific ideas
by: Anonymous

First of all the picture is very nice. This article gives very usefull information. Thank you.

global warming: the terminator
by: antony john

i did not like the imagery but i am appreciating the message it conveying. this website is warning all about the huge disaster to suffer by all humans. i would like to see more sites like this. i am mostly searching for caution and remedies of global warming

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.