The Canadian Weather.

by Danielle M. Capner
(Taber Alberta Canada)

Calgary Chinook

Calgary Chinook

Canada, a very large and beautiful Country. I have lived in to two very extreme climates in Canada.

The first being Northern Manitoba. In Thompson we had 9 months of winter. These are extreme weathers in the most of cases, where temperatures would drop to -50 degrees celsius without the windchill. We could get up to 15 feet of snow, or enough snow that we were shovelling it off of our roofs. In the summer it wouldn't get very hot, however the humidity was so high that when it was 25 degrees celsius it would feel like +38 with the humidex.

Now in 2004 I moved to southern Alberta (see a bit about Calgary weather) where the winters are so few and far between its actually very nice. However, Alberta is such a dry province that in the summers when it is +40 its +40. in the winters we get very high gusts of winds from the west called chinooks and what little snow we have is gone in just a few hours. The Chinooks bring high temperature but very strong winds.

I think as far as Canada being cold, it all depends on when are where. Northern Canada, like our Territories have there moments of cold winters but other places not so much. Global Warming sure isn't happening in Canada that's for sure. We are reaching extreme heats like other places in the world, so until Canada gets the title of being "HOT" we don't have to panic.

Barry's Response - Danielle, I don't expect that anytime soon. Maybe a few of us are looking forward to it.

Thanks for the good summary. Despite living in Medicine Hat, I've never been to Thompson.

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It may be helpful to consider the following on living in extreme climates in Canada from someone who's been there

Ya cannot overstate how amazing Canada is, with its vastness and natural beauty. One of its most interesting features is the incredible range of climates that exist across our vast territory. Canadians experience a wide range of weather conditions, from the icy Arctic region in the north to the temperate climate in the southern provinces.

Living in extreme climates can have a profound impact on anyone's life. Extreme cold and harsh winters in many parts of Canada foster a unique sense of resilience and resourcefulness. And we become used to dealing with snowstorms, icy roads, and challenges that come with colder weather.

Certain regions of Canada have more moderate climates, which provide diverse outdoor activities and a pleasant living environment. Milder winters and warmer summers allow for a range of outdoor recreational activities and a longer growing season.

No matter where they live, Canadians adapt and develop strategies to thrive. So our diverse landscapes are a testament to the human capacity to adapt.

In addition, these climate variations affect Canadian identity and culture. The ability to withstand and appreciate extreme climates fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared experience among Canadians.

Living in this country's extreme climates shapes its residents' character and experiences. It shows Canadians' resilience and adaptability to the challenges and beauty of their diverse environments.

The purpose of this description is to capture our style by emphasizing the resilience and adaptability of Canucks living in extreme climates while emphasizing the impact these environments have on Canadian identity.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.