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Readers talk about water pollution and how it affects our lives on this page.

Barry's Response - Where are we right now? How do our actions affect the world? What effect will others' actions have on us? Answers to those questions are recorded in water pollution.

Death is indeed one of the effects of water pollution. In extreme cases, water pollution can contaminate drinking water sources, causing illnesses and even death in humans and animals. Certain species can also die when it disturbs the ecosystem.

Kinda like "you made your bed, now lie in it"...sorta. Thank you Arasan.


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Stop Water polution
by: Anonymous

We should stop worrying about CO2 and start worrying about water polution. Major cities even in Canada dump their sewage into the ocean. This is a bigger worry that an increase of CO2.

From Barry - The St. Lawrence River has been polluted for decades. Montreal dumps sewage into the river since the 1960s, causing water quality and fish populations to drop. This has hurt the local ecosystem.

In some cases, the environment and marine life have been destroyed. We need to tackle water pollution everywhere, not just in North America.

We need to reduce water pollution and protect our oceans now. CO2 emissions are still a problem, but they're more of a long-term problem with effects that aren't as visible as water pollution.

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Water pollution is not good for our health. Please don't throw your rubbish in the river or any similar place.

Barry's Response - Arasan, good call. I appreciate what you have to say. Our water supply needs a little more care.

The best way to protect our water sources is to properly dispose of waste and support organizations that reduce pollution. We should also think about how we use water and try to reduce it whenever we can. We need to spread the word about how important it is to protect our water.

You can get skin rashes, headaches, and even cancer from water pollution. Our drinking water can be contaminated by trash in the water. We need to be careful and dispose of our waste properly to protect our water supply.

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We're not quite done with it.

We're not quite done with it.

Save our earth keep it going. We want to live longer so why not go green?

Barry's Response - Can't hurt. WE want to live longer as well. Saving the earth may just help after all.

It's not only crucial for the health and longevity of our planet, but it also directly impacts our own well-being. Here are some key points to help people understand why going green is important:

- Our Health: Going green reduces air and water pollution, minimizing harmful effects on our bodies. We can create healthier living environments for ourselves and future generations by adopting sustainable practices like using clean energy sources, reducing waste, and choosing eco-friendly products.

- Using natural resources wisely is part of living a green lifestyle. Conserving water, reducing energy consumption, and recycling materials help preserve our natural resources. In doing so, we make sure future generations have access to essential resources.

- Human activities, like excessive greenhouse gas emissions, contribute to climate change. By using renewable energy, choosing energy-efficient appliances, and promoting sustainable transportation, you can go green. Our planet can be protected from climate change if we actively fight it.

- Supporting biodiversity: Adopting green practices helps protect the planet. Planting trees and avoiding harmful chemicals in agriculture promote a healthy ecosystem and preserve plant and animal diversity. A healthy planet needs biodiversity.

- Going green inspires and encourages others to do the same. We can create a culture of environmental awareness and responsibility with our individual actions. We can save our planet together.

- Invest in the future by going green. We can help future generations live in harmony with nature, enjoy clean air and water, and thrive in a healthy environment by embracing sustainable practices.

The message of going green and emphasizing individual actions can inspire people to make conscious choices that benefit the Earth and themselves. Realizing we're all interconnected and that by protecting the planet, we're securing ourselves and future generations a better, healthier, and more sustainable future.

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save it
by: Anonymous

people need to help to save iti whant our earth to fbe free of pollution

From Barry - We need to reduce climate change and protect the environment. Let's start by raising awareness and having meaningful conversations about what we can do. Every little bit counts. We can also talk about it, which helps.

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pollution with water builled up

by looloo

It's about a pond or lake or any thing that has water waste and the build up of this waste in the water that we drink, eat and use for cooking our food.

Barry's Response - Thank looloo. Is there supposed to be a photo?

Putting water waste in a pond or lake changes the water's balance. Bacteria and nutrients can grow. Drinking, cooking, and bathing water from the ground can seep into the groundwater.

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Working Together to reduce this kind of sadness

Working Together to reduce this kind of sadness

That is terrible. My name is Chanel, I'm doing a project about pollution and that's downright terrible. It makes me want to cry

Barry's Response - Hi Chanel. Even though it's sad, there's a lot of water and air pollution. There's sadness and opportunity in every problem.

It's easy to gain cooperation from potential polluters AND from environmental stewards if you join forces with the right people (or make one). By doing this, everyone is encouraged to think about the environment.

Sorry it's affected you so much. When you learn how pollution affects the environment and health, it's overwhelming, especially when there's so much we can do to help. It's very disheartening to see how much damage has already been done.

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by: Anonymous

I have had enough of this global warming crap. Each volcano produces much more than mankind ever can. Stop the complaining already.

From Barry - History's most explosive moments:

- Mount Tambora erupted in 1815 and was the biggest eruption in centuries. Near the volcano, a lot of people died.

- The term "global warming" was first used in 1975 by geochemist Wallace Broecker. The article was called "Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming?".

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The water pollution home page

Sign of the Times

Sign of the Times

Those pictures (shown on the Water Pollution Pictures page) are really gross. I can't imagine why people would do this kind of thing to our planet!

Barry's Response - Neglect. Awareness, as brought forth by publishing the photos, helps motivate us to arrive at a solution for it.

When people know they're polluting water, how do they feel?

People's feelings about water pollution can vary depending on their understanding, values, and sense of responsibility. Individuals may feel these emotions:

- Guilt and Regret: After realizing their role in water pollution, individuals may feel guilty and regretful for their actions. It's possible they're aware that their behavior or choices are harming aquatic ecosystems.

- People who know they contribute to water pollution may feel concerned about the impacts on aquatic life, ecosystems, and public health. As they learn about how important clean water is to everyone, they might develop empathy for the affected organisms and ecosystems.

- Understanding one's role in water pollution can lead to a sense of responsibility. To minimize their negative impact on water quality, people may make changes in their behaviors, habits, or consumption patterns.

- Motivation for Change: Awareness of water pollution can lead to positive change. Hopefully, it'll inspire people to learn, adopt sustainable practices, support conservation initiatives, and get involved in efforts to protect and restore water.

- When people realize the extent of water pollution and the challenges associated with addressing it, they may feel frustrated and helpless. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the issue or discouraged by the lack of immediate solutions.

- Recognition of their role in water pollution can ignite a commitment to take action. Their enthusiasm might inspire them to educate others, advocate for stricter regulations, support water conservation organizations, or do local cleanups.

Individuals' reactions and emotions can vary. Others may struggle with the complexity of the issue, while others feel a strong call to action. We have to channel these emotions into positive change and collective efforts to protect and restore our waterways.

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chimy changa
by: Hemi

hi my name is hemi and i don't like globule warming it is bad for our invirment

From Barry Hemi, thanks for sharing your thoughts on global warming. It's important to talk about these issues openly. The overwhelming scientific consensus backs global warming, even though there are different perspectives.

In part, global warming is caused by human activities, like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Sea levels are rising, extreme weather events are happening more often, biodiversity is disappearing, and ecosystems are being disrupted by global warming.

We need to understand global warming's risks and impacts. Through acknowledging the scientific evidence and engaging in conversations, we can reduce the negative effects of climate change and promote environmental stewardship.

Check out reputable sources like scientific studies and reports from organizations like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This knowledge can help us make informed choices, support sustainable practices, and prevent global warming.

Come on, let's make it better.

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2070 polution

by gordon conners

Is it Pollution?

Is it Pollution?

It can go suck my **** twice as hard hehe Pollution is bad - imagine in 2070 how bad the earth is going to look like its going to be full of gases and smoke.

Barry's Response - I hope that helps. But I doubt it.

Here. Try this

Let's imagine the world in 2070 when climate change poses significant challenges. We still have the power to make positive changes to prevent this scenario from happening. However, here's a description of the potential consequences if we don't do anything:

Imagine a world filled with thick, gray smoke and hazy skies. There's a heavy feeling in the air. Many trees have withered away in the once vibrant green forests. There's pollution in the rivers and lakes, and the water isn't clean. Coral reefs, home to colorful fish and sea creatures, are bleaching and dying.

Extreme weather events are more frequent and intense in the future. Floods and droughts are more common, and storms are stronger. As the ice caps melt, sea levels are rising, flooding coastal cities.

There's been a lot of damage to wildlife habitats. As a result of habitat destruction, many animals and plants have become endangered or extinct. We live in a sad world where birds are singing and butterflies are fluttering.

Don't forget, this is just one possible future. We can create a different outcome by taking action today. We can reduce our carbon footprint, conserve energy, protect our forests, and invest in renewable energy. ALSO, WE CAN LEARN TO MANAGE and deal with the changes we do see, just like mankind did before us. By caring for the Earth and making sustainable choices, we can inspire others. We can make the air clean, the water clear, and nature thrive if we work together.

Imagine a world where we've come together to protect and heal our planet in 2070 (When I turn 104). Our world is bright, beautiful, and sustainable because we've learned from our mistakes.

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by: Anonymous

These are nuclear power plant cooling towers. They are pumping nothing but water vapor into the atmosphere. There are plenty of things polluting our air, but nuclear power plants are not one of them. Even the waist can be recycled. Nuclear power is the most efficient power source we have available to us, as well as the least harmful to our atmosphere.

From Barry - Nuclear fission generates electricity. As compared to coal and oil, this process produces very little pollution. Additionally, nuclear power plant waste can be safely stored and even recycled (even though it took us a few decades to figure it out). Cleaner, more sustainable energy comes from nuclear power.

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the abandoned musical

Ray's Guitar

Ray's Guitar

Someone was suppose to try to make this guitar sound beautiful, but instead made it look disgusting.

Barry's Response - Nuclear fission generates electricity. As compared to coal and oil, this process produces very little pollution. Additionally, nuclear power plant waste can be safely stored and even recycled (even though it took us a few decades to figure it out). Cleaner, more sustainable energy comes from nuclear power.

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this is so sad it makes me want to cry

by cionni

Oil-soaked birds

Oil-soaked birds

This is too sad. I think you people that are doing this need to clean up a bit. Will you please?

Barry's Response - Sorry about that. That's very sad. There's something iconic about an oil-soaked bird photo that evokes strong emotions. Oil pollution's devastating environmental impact reminds us how urgent it is to protect the planet.

Can you do anything about it? My website is about environmental issues (air), and water is just as important. Go see my list of articles if you are learning a bit more about air and the environment.

Thank you for your concern, Cionni.

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the duck that got oiled

by breeanna jayne barker davies
(bendigo australia vic)

Not THAT duck...

Not THAT duck...

It is about a duck that got oiled because it was in the water when it suddenly became polluted. :(

Barry's Response - Yes, BJBD, Waterfowl are very vulnerable to aquatic spills, especially ones involving petroleum and other industrial substances. It's really sad.

Also, when birds and animals eat oily prey or try to clean themselves, they swallow oil and get poisoned.

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polution is bad!

Wonder what it says.

Wonder what it says.

Pollution is really bad and it can go suck my ****

Barry's Response It's short and sweet. I like it that way.

Pollution is when unwanted substances mix with our environment. Plants, humans, and animals suffer from disease, death, or discomfort due to it. You can even change the course of geological movements half a world away. It's just now that we're realizing it.

Pollution needs to be reduced. Reduce single-use plastics, switch to renewable energy, and be more eco-conscious. Make sure future generations are healthy by reducing pollution now.

Pollution can be reduced, but it can't be eliminated. It's been around since before humans. We can reduce pollution by using renewable energy, practicing sustainable living habits, and reducing our consumption of environmentally harmful stuff.

Search this site for more information now.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.