water problems

by Kayla
(United States)

Fixing water problems

Fixing water problems

This is the kind of water approximately 2.2 billion people have to drink because they do not have access to clean water. It would take about 10 billion dollars to fix all the unsterilised water problems in the world.

Every Christmas we spend about 450 billion on selfish things for ourselves when we could supply water to each child who dies every 15 seconds because they drink unclean water. Is it really too much to give a little to save a lot of lives?? this really convicts me.

Barry's Response - It's not much money. Is it? Would it solve the water problems forever? I'd say it's worth it.

Poor infrastructure, poverty, and population growth are some of the reasons people don't have access to clean water. Fixing all these issues will cost several billion dollars, since they require huge investments in infrastructure, technology, and sanitation. It's worth it.

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Pollutions is destroy our world,please heal and save the world

by khin maung gyi

water pollution

water pollution

We have seen water pollution due to waste chemical compounds such as carbon, nitrogen dioxide and other toxic materials. These things can destroy our natural environment and they pollute our water and air.

To protect our nature, pure water and air, we should enforce environmental law and policy and think about how we can reduce waste materials as well as how can mankind recover our natural resources.

Barry's Response - Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that cause instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem, such as physical systems or living organisms.

I agree, anything that reduces pollution is great. The health risks associated with air, water, and soil pollution can be reduced by reducing pollution. Additionally, it can help preserve natural resources for future generations and reduce climate change.

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by Shaniyanasar

A few good ideas

A few good ideas

Save our nature and keep it going. Man did not kill & hurt our beautiful mother. I am very sad for humans' cruelty-type of activities in our nature. Please save it.

Barry's Response - Yes, we care about the planet. We think it's important to save Mother Earth. Keep raising awareness, and I'll do the same.

Our carbon footprint could stand to be reduced as we make conscious decisions to create a sustainable future. The best way to do this is to use renewable resources, recycle, and conserve energy. Act now before it's too late.

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death all around

by hemali A Tank

A beautiful place.

A beautiful place.

Save our earth's living organisms; they are also living beings like us and they also want their lives.

Barry's Response - It's important to protect their habitats and respect their right to live. To protect the environment, we should reduce our carbon footprint and use renewable resources. We should all work together to make our planet sustainable.

Science has helped mankind understand the living organisms you mention and how forces within nature, including our effects on nature, affect them. We're in a better position to fix problems now that we know about them.

Science experiments help us understand and protect life, the air, nature, and the earth. We can also improve our lives with them.

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by chuchi alvarado
(Worcester, MA US)

Keep it clean for recreation

Keep it clean for recreation

How people play with water but the effect is what you see and it is not pretty.:(

Barry's Response - People can waste water, pollute water, and run out of water if they're careless with it. There can be serious consequences for the environment, like increased water scarcity, fewer wildlife habitats, and disease spread.

What people do with the water and how they leave it is what matters. It's important for both the water and the air.

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pollution of water

by zulasyraf bin badri 1 qayyum
(selama perak)

Like the sign says...

Like the sign says...

Water is important for our live day, so please don't throw rubbish into the river.

Barry's Response - That's right. Taking care of our resources starts with us. The easiest way to start, then we can tackle the corporate-industrial input.

Throwing trash in the river disrupts aquatic ecosystems, pollutes the water, and spreads diseases. Both humans and animals can suffer from this.

See the Ecosystem Fresh Water page for a few innovative solutions.

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answer to bad water

by angelene mason
(union city, ga. 30291)

Clean water for health

Clean water for health

check out these websites and change the way you view water for ever.



Barry's Response - Even though there are other options, drinking water is probably the healthiest thing to do with it. Water helps flush toxins out of the body and is essential for all bodily functions. You can also stay hydrated and prevent dehydration. In addition, it doesn't contain calories, sugar, or other additives. Thanks Angelene.

Search this site for more information now.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.