Winter Whollop 2011

by Kimmee Sweetgrass
(Saanich, BC)

Snow Budha

Snow Budha

Victoria BC is recieving up to 25 cms of snow today.

As we were gearing up for our flower count to tease the rest of Canada with, the snow started to fall.

It has shut down much of the city and even my garden Budha is taking a snow day. I love snow and am not complaining at all.

Barry's Response - Oh Victoria. Land of the Ice and snow. Just kidding. Actually by checking this interesting webpage by Environment Canada -;category=1

You will see that (out of all major cities in Canada), Victoria has the least snow and the mildest winter overall. It's also pleasant and sunny (more than the rest of BC) all year around.

Victoria, BC has a relatively mild and temperate climate compared to other parts of Canada, but it can still get snowy. There's not much experience with significant snowfall in Victoria, so roads might get slippery, and public transportation might be affected. There's less snow removal equipment available in regions with less snowfall, so residents and businesses might have trouble clearing sidewalks and driveways.

Residents and the media get excited when heavy snow falls in Victoria. You can check local news and official weather updates in Victoria for the latest information on weather conditions, road closures, and safety advisories when it does occur.

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shovel your roofs and tempos.

by John Mines
(Lac Brome Que.)

This is what I found when I returned from work yesterday.

People with large amounts of snow should remove as much as possible, and completely from those temporary shelters. Mine was set up in November and cleared each snowfall, but the latest was too much for it. We received approximately 70cm. of the white stuff, not even half thewas left on the Tempo with the winds.


John Mines

Barry's Response - Thanks John. You can always count on Quebec for a good snow. Despite Canada's vast expanse and our variety of climates, some regions, especially at higher elevations and in northern areas, get a lot of snow.

In Quebec, geography and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and Great Lakes may also influence how much moisture is available for snowfall, while the St. Lawrence River and the province's location in relation to prevailing weather patterns also influences how much snow falls in certain parts. Understanding climatic patterns and factors that influence snowfall in different regions helps and I recommend investigation and data analysis to understand snowfall patterns across the country including Quebec if it catches your interest.

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no power


I have relatives in St. Catharines, Ontario who are enduring a third day without power due to the wind storms. Maybe some publicity would help.

Barry's Response - 51,000 Ontarians still without power after search this site for wind storm. That what the headline says. It's been several days now and initially 175,000 power customer were affected. The winds measured nearly 100 km per hour and one man was killed.

Thanks for your input.

If you've never experienced this, imagine: Your power went out during the snowstorm. You can't cook, watch TV, or go online. You're in the dark, with only a few candles for light. All you can do is wait for the power to come back on, praying that it won't last too long. Now what?

search this site for more information now.

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Cold seat

by Iain Taylor
(Halifax NS)

Halifax outdoor inconvenience

Halifax outdoor inconvenience

Old bathroom on the deck gets a dump!

Iain Taylor

Barry's Response - One time for old times! Pass the sports section, please. Thanks for your input, Iain.

Snow makes some things look better. Snow softens the landscape, making it look more peaceful and gentle. Also, the snow reflects light, making colors pop and adding sparkle.

Think about that next time ya gotta go.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.