The future for our kids

by jake

Bad stuff..I cant breathe....

Bad stuff..I cant breathe....

Global warming is something I can go on about for hours. Well here we go...

I am doing all I can do to
reduce my carbon footprint. I think it is important to us and our kids that we do something now! Before it is to late.

This time last year I was evolved with a 6 mile march, man what a good time. lol, all of the people driving by in their
big old SUVs were honking and yelling stuff at us but that is OK we knew what the purpose of our walk was and it worked because they were honking and yelling, hey at least we got the point across.

Barry's Response - Presumably, the walk was in support of a demonstration of the effects of our actions on the environment. Good for you, Jake, and thanks for your comments here.

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Comments for The future for our kids

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by: Minter

A parent knows what is best for their kids and thus understanding them is very important to have that skill from within the heart and not only the intellect. I hope most parents understand learning from a book is not just it.

The future for our kids
by: mani

This is realy a good article about global warming.I like this article very much Some thing is to be done immediatly.

interesting article

fine picture.the article shows the global warming due to the carbon dioxide.

by: Karthick

I was attracted by this article. It alerts us on global warming. Environment in Asia was also quite nice.

global warming measures
by: harish

the imagery is superb and wonderful,it was really interesting and helps one to be aware and motivated to take action against global warming.i feel this site is more than enough to know about global warming and take steps to curb and i would like to find more about global warming measures undertaken by the government to stop it in the search.

Care of our kids
by: Anonymous

The picture is very nice. This informations are very usfull for breathing problems. thank you.

be careful about the future
by: antony john

the imagery is very informative. i am interested to read something i can do to reduce global warming effects. i am highly appreciating this site, and expecting more like this. i a seaching for some tips for prevention of global warming.

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Thank you to my research and writing assistants, ChatGPT and WordTune, as well as Wombo and others for the images.

GPT-4, OpenAI's large-scale language generation model (and others provided by Google and Meta), helped generate this text.  As soon as draft language is generated, the author reviews, edits, and revises it to their own liking and is responsible for the content.